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Popular sights
There is a lot to see and discover
in Lomma municipality!
Popular sights
It is not surprising that Lomma Municipality is such a popular place to visit when it has so much to offer with its long coastline, beautiful countryside, recreational activities, art exhibitions at Borgeby Castle, walks in Alnarp Park, restaurants and cafés, boat life, summer library and much more. Welcome!
Alnarp park
Alnarp park and castle
The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp is surrounded by the beautiful Alnarp Park with the country´s second largest collection of different species and varieties of trees and bushes, including a tree that is more than 300 years old.
Alnarp Castle is situated in the heart of the park and was built for the Agricultural Institute in 1862. The park is popular among both locals and visitors and attracts frequent visits.
Långa Bryggan
Bjärred, Långa bryggan and open-air seawater baths
During the first half of the 20th century, people came to Bjerreds Saltsjöbad from the nearby cities (from Lund by train and from Malmö by boat) and countryside to swim, walk in the beautiful park, play tennis, sail, eat and drink and, as they still do, to relax and enjoy themselves.
The 500-metre-long pier attracts many visitors and they walk the length of it to take a refreshing dip in the sea or visit the open-air seawater baths and restaurant.
The seawater baths are run by the non-profit association Föreningen Bjerreds Saltsjöbad, while the restaurant is leased from the association and run as a separate business.
The brick kiln in Bjärred
Bjersunds brickworks museum
Hembygdsföreningen in Lomma municipality External link. runs Bjersund's brickworks museum.
The history of Bjersundsparken stretches all the way back to the middle of the 19th century, when Bjersunds brickworks were built. The brickyard was in operation for about 30 years. Remains from the production can still be seen today when the brick kiln (a so-called vault kiln), the drying rack, the brick master's residence and the housing for the workers are preserved.

Borgeby castle, Fjelie church and Habo Ljung
View from the bird tower at the mouth of the Lödde å river
Borgeby castle
During the Viking Age, Borgeby Castle was an important commercial centre that controlled trade on both water and land. In the 11th century there was a circular fort on the current site of the castle and it was one of only two known circular forts in Sweden. The castle houses, among other things, collections of Ernst Norlind´s works of art and a café and holds many popular events during the summer months.
Fjelie church
Fjelie Church is one of oldest churches in the diocese and is regarded as somewhat of a gem. The church is made of sandstone and was built in the early 12th century when it consisted of just a nave, chancel and apse. The steeple was added at a later stage and the ceiling is decorated with frescoes from different centuries.
Gyllin meadows and the mouth of the Lödde å river
Gyllin Meadows are part of the nature reserve at the mouth of the Lödde å river and are situated between Öresund and the residential area of Löddesnäs. They are a popular place to visit with plenty of public picnic areas and barbecues.
These beach meadows at the mouth of the Lödde å river have been a nature reserve ever since the 1970s. Besides the abundant beach meadows, there are also several stretches of reeds with narrow wooden jetties leading to the waters of Öresund. There is also a high bird tower from which birds can be observed. The area is not, however, open between 15 April and 15 July.
In the sound outside the river mouth, a 30-metre reef of rocks can be seen at low tide. This is known as Lödde kar and is believed to be an ancient mooring place for boats that were too large to travel up the river.
Habo Ljung
This is a popular area for wind and kite surfers and a lovely spot to take a peaceful walk along the beach. There is also a golf course and campsite here.
Lomma beach
Lomma beach
"Lomma norra badplats" is a long stretch of dazzling white sand north of Höjeå. It is known locally as Lomma Beach and is a popular place for sunbathing and swimming on warm summer days. The shallow water also makes it a sough-after spot among windsurfers, who have their clubhouse behind a bank of glittering sand. Other sports practised on the beach include beach volleyball, frisbee and beach football.
South of Höjeå, there is a natural beach that stretches all the way from the T jetty in the harbour, past Öresund Park and down to the meadows in Alnarp and, because it is not an official beach, dogs are welcome here all year round. Öresund Park has facilities for beach volleyball and swimming. The picturesque fishermen´s huts just before the meadows in Alnarp, a bird sanctuary that is forbidden to enter, are well worth to see. The area has some beautiful rambling paths and it is possible to walk all the way to Alnarp.
Lomma harbour
The fishermen, smokehouses and marina give this old fishing village a lively atmosphere, which becomes even more vibrant during the summer months when tourists, locals and boat owners pour in.
The harbour has plenty of facilities including cafés, restaurants, a diving club and boatyard services and is within walking distance of Lomma centre. A residential area is emerging on the northern shore of the mouth of the Höje River, with squares, parks, open-air restaurants and waterfront homes.
The expansion of Lomma Harbour was awarded the Swedish Association of Architect´s 2004 planning prize. The library on Hamntorget is well worth a visit.
Lomma bay
Lomma bay
Lomma municipality is characterized by its long and beautiful coastline. This closeness to water creates wonderful opportunities for recreational activities for the inhabitants of the area. The beach areas are used by swimmers, boatowners, wind- and kitesurfers as well as by anyone that enjoys a peaceful walk or birdwatching.
Beach and granite blocks
Lomma municipality is working to create a stretch of beach along the entire coast (21 km), from the recreational area Spillepeng in the south to Lödde River in the north. The purpose of this is to improve access to the coastal area and, among other things, open the area up to walking.
The five granite blocks are situated south of Bjärred and the idea behind them was to create a meditative place to stop at during long walks along the beach between Lomma and Bjärred.
Sidansvarig: Eva Jansson
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