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About Lomma municipality
About Lomma municipality
Lomma municipality, situated in the west of Skåne on the coast of Öresund, was formed in the 1960s when the small market town of Lomma was merged with the large rural district of Flädie.
The population amounts to 24,876 inhabitants. The municipality has three population centres: Lomma with 13,648 inhabitants, Bjärred with 9,852 and Flädie with about 240 inhabitants. The remaining 1,100 inhabitants live either in one of the villages of Fjelie, Önnerup, Lilla Lomma and Alnarp or in the outlying rural areas.
Prominent features include good housing standards and the nearness to Öresund which affords ample opportunities for a rich outdoor life.
Economic development
One feature of Lomma´s economy is the large number of small enterprises. The municipality is the biggest employer with about 1,400 employees. The SLU, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) at Alnarp is another big employer within the municipality. The farming area covers 3000 hectares (about 7,410 acres) and is typical of the countryside.
The employment situation is good both for men and women. More than 6,000 work within the municipality, mainly in the service sector and in manufacturing businesses.
There is considerable commuter activity from Lomma: about 8,200 of the inhabitants work in other municipalities, chiefly in Malmö or Lund, and about 3,200 people from other areas commute to work in Lomma.
Lomma borders on the municipalities of Malmö, Burlöv, Staffanstorp, Lund and Kävlinge. The motorway to Malmö and the main road to Lund facilitate fast transport. It takes about 15-20 minutes to drive to Malmö from the different parts of the municipality.
Public transport is well developed with frequent busconnections with Malmö and Lund. The travelling time by bus Bjärred-Malmö is 20-30 minutes. The travelling time Lomma-Malmö, Lomma/Bjärred-Lund is 20-25 minutes. Since 2020 there is also a trainstation in Lomma, which means it takes only 7 minutes to travel to Malmö by train.
The distance Lomma-Malmö is 8 km, Lomma/Bjärred-Lund 10 km and Bjärred-Malmö 15 km.
Housing & Construction
At present, extensive housing development is underway in Lomma and both small houses and blocks of flats are being built.
School & Child care
The local authorities offer pre-schooling from the age of one year. It is also possible to receive pre- and after-school child care up to the 6th year of school.
Child care centres and schools are available in the population centres of Lomma and Bjärred. Upper secondary/Highschool education is offered in Malmö and Lund.
The Department of Social Services offers various forms of advice, support, care and assistance to give you the opportunity to lead a good life, regardless of your age.
Recreation & Culture
A wide range of recreational activities and a great many opportunities for sports and physical exercise are provided. There are sporthalls at Pilängskolan in Lomma, at Rutsborgsskolan and Bjärehovsskolan in Bjärred and in Borgeby. In addition, there is the LBTK-hall in Bjärred with eight indoor tennis courts and many other indoor sports have their own premises. The latest addition is Slättängshallen in Lomma.
Within the municipality there are more than 100 associations, societies and clubs offering a wealth of activities and interests.
A 27+18-hole golf course at Habo Ljung has been completed. In addition to golf, the leisure and recreation area of Habo Ljung invites rambling, jogging, scouting, dog training and horseback riding.
Wide beaches attract swimmers and sunbathers in the summer; in the winter you can go for a swim indoors at Pilängsbadet. Other water activities are windsurfing and dinghy sailing. In Lomma Harbour there is space for about 200 boats.
Both Lomma and Bjärred have libraries with generous opening hours and an ample stock of reading, music and films as well as access to many computer bases. There are computers fitted for visually impaired persons and access to text telephony.
Sidansvarig: Ingrid Grönkvist
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