Här skriver Maria och David om
sin tid som volontärer i Sverige.

Volontär betyder att man
gör något frivilligt,
i det här fallet
att resa till ett annat land
för att hjälpa till
och lära sig nya saker.

Blogg ESC Volontär

Här skriver Maria Nortes och David Pervizi på engelska om sin tid som volontärer i Sverige.

David och Maria, EU-volontärer, stående på Långa bryggan i Bjärred.

David Pervizi och Maria Nortes, EU-volontär


Dear Lomma citizens,

How are you doing? I hope that your mood is as blissful as mine thanks to this nice warm weather that has embraced us for the last few weeks. The month of April started off with my mid-term course organised by the MUCF in Stockholm. It was lovely to be reunited with other volunteers and meet new ones. Apart from that, each of us had the opportunity to present a video promoting our youth centres. Therefore, we could get the gist of everyone’s mission in Sweden and have profound discussions strolling along Bromma’s lake.

In the middle of April, we celebrated the Europe Week and, amongst other European-related activities that took place during the Fritidsgård time, I facilitated for the pupils a Europe quiz that they relished and requested for two days in a row. Furthermore, I also gave two presentations to my colleagues during our Wednesday meetings about my Study Visit in Göteborg and my mid-term course in Stockholm, so I could share my experiences with them in more detail. At the end of April, we held a Paki evening to say goodbye to Najam, one of our precious youth workers. He cooked delicious Paki/Indian dishes like homemade pakoras and sauces. We will miss him!

May came full of energy and unforgettable moments! I have been exploring Ystad, Ales Stenar and Helsingborg. Moreover, I was also invited to Karstopskolan by Fanny and Linus, who were carrying out a travelling project with the pupils. I was present on the Spanish day, where I could talk about Spain with the pupils, bake a Spanish cake for them and play a sporty Spanish game.

In addition to that, I was off for a week because I attended the most epic and exhilarating music festival of all times! Of course, I am talking about the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 that took place here in Malmö. I had many friends over and we lived it up. We even appeared on TV supporting the Spanish entry!

In the middle of May, I carried out a survey with the pupils trying to find out whether they feel that their English skills have improved since I have been here or not, and whether they would consider my activities fun or not. Funnily enough, some of them told me that they loved all of them so much that they couldn’t choose their favourite one.

At the end of May, all Centralen staff and I set off for Göteborg to attend the KEKS Conference, which gathered more than 600 youth workers from all over Europe, and many inspiring seminars were delivered. Apart from that, we held the Ungdomsmässa where, amongst many activities for the youth, I facilitated a workshop on mindfulness.

Thank you for keeping up with all my adventures here in Sweden!

Vi hörs i Juli!

Maria MN

En samling människor på en stor sten utanför ett tegelhus.
Maria serverar kaka
Maria med barn framför en tv-skärm
Maria med spansk flagga utanför Malmö arena.
Namnskylt Maria Martinez
Maria i tält


Hello, Lomma citizens! I’m a 29-year-old ESC volunteer from Italy with Albanian origins. Passionate about everything from politics to astronomy, I actively engage in international mobility activities. I’ve been involved in numerous Erasmus+ Projects and youth organizations. My hobbies range from cooking to DJ-ing, and I strive for adventure and learning.

My journey with the ESC brought me to your beautiful municipality. From the moment I arrived, the warmth and kindness of the staff at Centralen made me feel at home. My ESC co-volunteer took me on a tour around Lomma and Malmö. We had an amazing lunch at Fiskboden and concluded with an exhilarating laser fight filled with laughter.

In the following weeks, I had time to get introduced to the youth and get into the activities implemented at Centralen. I had the chance to deliver some Italian traditional games and fun facts to 10-12 pupils. Moreover, during my first evening, I had the chance to be introduced by the youth to their Epa Traktor cars.

One of my most memorable experiences has been having the chance to deliver a quiz and present my homemade Tiramisù at the Swedish Fika, sharing a piece of Italy with the municipality staff on the typical ‘fika vibe’.

On Easter, I had the chance to visit Skånes Djurpark together with Centralen’s staff. We had a good time together grilling and enjoying nature.

In addition, on Easter, I was invited for a camping night out on Torups Bokskog. We all cooked something for that night and I brought some Italian ‘Parmigiana’ that became a hit with my friends. The following day we also visited the Ribersborg Sauna in Malmö.

In April, I went to Stockholm for my on-arrival course. There I met other volunteers contributing to different solidarity projects around Sweden. The Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (MUCF) arranged the course and all the practicals for us. The staff at Bromma Folkhögskola gave us lessons about the Swedish language and culture, as well as practical useful information about our projects. We also had a great time visiting Stockholm.

During the past months, I had the chance to visit many locations around Skåne such as Lund, Malmö and Helsingborg as well as a weekend in nearby Copenhagen. But I would say that the most memorable experience has been going camping as mentioned. My colleagues organized for me an ‘Outdoor Camping course’ with a mentor at Söderåsens Nationalpark. He was very professional and taught me a lot of precious tips and tricks related to camping outdoors. I’m super grateful for this opportunity and can’t wait to prepare some nice camping trips maybe also with some other volunteers I met in Stockholm.

The most exciting moment was the European Youth Event I prepared for the 19th of April with the help of the staff at Centralen. The evening was animated by the vibrant spirit of our Lomma youth, filled with creative activities and discussions about the EU. Their engagement was encouraging for me.

Thank you, Lomma, for embracing me as one of your own.


David in Stockholm
David i solglasögon vid en kanal
David bredvid en tv-skärm
Mat i form
Människor som går i skogen med ryggsäckar

March 2024

Dear Lomma citizens,

Hope everything is going well. As you know, it has already been six months since I arrived in Sweden and I have finally started my Swedish lessons! I can still claim that I am in my element and that Sweden makes me really happy. Perhaps, precisely for that reason, I have gone through very hectic weeks and that has taken a toll on me. Melodifestivalen is to blame, as I have attended several heats and the Finalen in Stockholm 😛 Thus, I have been under the weather several times. However, this has helped me to learn to take care of myself and to develop a thicker skin.

With regard to Centralen, there have been a plethora of new events going on. We started off the month of February with the Öppet Hus, which was really successful. I could inform some youngsters about the ESC opportunities and handed out some ESC merchandise. Moreover, in the middle of February, we celebrated Alla Hjärtans Dag making our own love cards, painting clay hearts and learning compliments in other languages.

In addition to that, we are very glad to announce that we have gotten another ESC volunteer from Italy, David. This means that I am not living alone anymore, since Maya, my sweet Japanese housemate, has recently moved in as well, so I became a tour guide and showed them around Lomma and Malmö the first days. We get on well and are a fantastic international team together! At the end of February, we held the Sportlov week in the fritidsklubb. It was very exciting since we organised many games and activities for the pupils and even had a Carnival afternoon, when we painted our faces. I also planned a dancing workshop where some pupils and I filmed ourselves dancing some short and easy choreographies. It was very fun!

We started off the month of March very powerfully with the 6th Graders night and a delicious fika. Later on, we held the Culture Week, where we devoted each day of the week to a different country: Italy, Spain, England and Japan. In the middle of March, I also went on a Study Visit to Göteborg to get to know the KEKS Office and Kooperativet Fjället, which is another fascinating Fritidsklubb and Fritidsgård focus on gender equality. It would also be worth mentioning the “Fika with a European Touch” that we organised for Lomma Municipality workers, where David and I baked our traditional cakes and played Spain and Italian culture quizzes with them.

This month, I could also implement two activities of my own called “City Quest” and “The Conductor”. It was rewarding to see how the pupils enjoyed themselves and did not want to stop playing. Furthermore, I have also been meeting with several Spanish teachers in Piläng and Karstorp to start planning some classes with them and give Lomma teenagers the opportunity to practise their Spanish with a native speaker. So far, I have been to Per’s classes. He was very nice and helpful. Getting to know his 8th and 9th graders was super cool, so I hope to get to know many more classes soon!

Vi ses i maj!

Ha det bra!

Maria MN

Maria vid en roll-up med texten European Solidarity Corps
David och Maria
Maria på Melodifestivalen
Ungdomar i soffor framför en tv-skärm
Ungdomar i gymnastiksal
Påsksminkad Maria med ungdom

January 2024

Dear citizens of Lomma kommun,

Here I am willing to share with you my experiences of the last two months for the second time in this wonderful region of Skåne. Funnily enough, I have to inform you that I am not doing that badly at early mealtimes and darkness anymore. Moreover, it has snowed more than three times, which is astonishing to me. Honestly, the sunny days with snow and clear skies that we have had, although scarce, have been like a present that I feel very grateful for.

These two months I have agreed with my mentor that on Thursdays I will be implementing my own activities with the pupils at the fritidsklubb, which is excellent to thrive professionally and create deeper bonds with the pupils. I have played with them sportive, dynamic and creative games, such as, for instance, “Fruit Salad”, “Speed Cones” or “the Blindfolded Artist”. I learnt some of these games during my first volunteering project in Poland as a Social Animator and Intercultural Educator in 2019, whereas for some other games, I used to play them in Spain when I was their age. Since I have fond memories of them, it has been beautiful to see the pupils enjoying them too.

We started the month of December by hanging up Christmas decorations all over Centralen with the pupils, followed by a plethora of Christmas-related activities, like making their own Christmas cards and angel figures, frosting gingerbread biscuits, painting Christmas drawings, and attending Santa Lucia’s play in Pilängskolan, which was really moving to me since it was my first time. At the fritidsgård, we have been baking lussekatter for the youth and organised an evening called “Nattbad”, which was really cool as the youth could swim in the pool at night while playing our roulette game to earn prizes. January has been very fun too, we held our first Funkiskväll of the second term, where we ate hot chocolate with marshmallows while singing along to some of the kids’ favourite songs.

Concerning my leisure plans, I was invited by other ESC volunteers to a volunteer meet-up hosted by Awesome People in Kopparberg at the beginning of December. The organisers really stand for their name because they absolutely smashed it! Being reunited with the volunteers and meeting new ones was amazing. We visited Kopparberg, played icebreaker games, and lit a bonfire to cook our picnic in the middle of the snowy woods.

Furthermore, I also visited the Christmas market in Malmö with my beloved Polish friend, and after that, I flew to Spain for Christmas for two weeks. I must admit that it was nice to get some natural vitamin D, but I was buzzing about coming back to Lomma and continuing this magical adventure. Especially the one I have just taken to Kiruna to visit Océane, our former French volunteer who is currently working there. Luckily, I could see the Northern lights, explore the Icehotel and go dogsledding! I am on cloud nine and, of course, I will keep you in the loop!

Vi ses i Mars!

Ha det bra!

Maria MN

Snölandskap med kvinna som klappar en hund
Pepparkakor med glasyr
Maria med flera barn bland soffor
Tre kvinnor stående under en skylt med God Jul

November 2023

Välkommen alla till min blogg!

First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I am Maria. I come from Alicante (Spain). I am 29 years old. Could you come up with a better way to make the most of this upcoming year than living in Lomma kommun? I don’t think so!

I am an English and Spanish teacher. I love spending time with children and teenagers and teaching them languages and civic values. After all, they hold the key to our future, so we’d better prepare them with the proper tools to face any kind of hindrance and create a more peaceful world, don’t you agree? I am ready to do my best to contribute to Lomma Municipality. I feel fortunate to be with the best professional team in Centralen in such a beautiful town of Sweden!

It has already been two months since I arrived in Lomma. I cannot believe how fast time flies! I reckon that is a good indicator of me having a blast whilst getting soaked in the mesmerizing Swedish culture. I am fascinated by the concepts of Fritidsklubb and Fritidsgård, which unfortunately don't exist in Spain, but are essential to guide and create bonds with our new generations.

These two months have been full of exhilarating events for the youth and the kids in Centralen. We have carried out a plethora of sportive and creative activities, such as jewellery creation, artistic drawing, painting summer bags and clay figures. Moreover, we have organized several themed evenings, based on Halloween, Girl Power, Tivoli, kids with special needs. The one I had the pleasure to be in charge of was the Spanish evening. It was very successful. We enjoyed it to the fullest as I gave a workshop about Spain. We played some quizzes and we listened to Spanish music. We also tasted different types of Tortillas and a scrumptious Spanish Almond cake I had previously cooked, amongst other Spanish appetizers.

Concerning leisure plans, Sweden has a lot to offer. My adventure started with my social mentor, Océane, she showed me around Lomma and Malmö. We went to the sauna, a petrifying but soothing experience. I have also been riding my bike along the beautiful coast of Lomma. Furthermore, I have been to the Ukrainian band Go_A’s concert in Malmö and to Madonna's concert in Copenhagen (yes, Öresundståg is a miraculous invention!). I have also visited the colorful and enchanted village of Jakriborg, the refreshing nature parks in Alnarp university and Stockholm on the on-arrival course for ESC volunteers organized by MUCF.

Obviously, not everything has been a bed of roses as I had some culture shocks too, taking into account that I come from one of the warmest countries in Europe. For instance, I am still adapting to having so many hours of darkness, extremely early meal times in comparison to Spain, making Swedish friends, and experiencing the current minus degree temperatures whenever the coldest temperatures I have experienced in Alicante are 10 degrees! Nevertheless, I can assure you that this experience is paying off so far and I cannot wait to encounter more cultural differences that will only enrich my soul!

See you in two months!

Trevligt att träffas!

Maria MN

Ungdomar bakom en röd disk med mat
Personer med blåa jackor som står tillsammans
Oceane och Maria framför Turning Torso i Malmö
Maria framför slottet i Alnarp
Centralens skateboardramp
Maria vid Lomma beach
  • Ingen giltig användare vald.

Sidansvarig: Pia Alexius

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